HAPPY Therapy Practice

Therapy Practice Success Blog

Blogs about being a therapist in private practice.


A blog post about how therapists and counsellors could use ChatGTP to help them create social media posts from their own blogs. It is ...


Understanding the journey your client travels to find you can better prepare you for this initial conversation and gain a new client.


Running a private practice means we need to market and promote our services | For many therapists, the thought of marketing can be daunting ...


Keyword research is an important aspect of SEO (search engine optimisation) | Improve the visibility of your therapy practice online |


As a therapist, having a full client diary is vital to the success of your therapy practice. So is have a good reputation as a professional ...


How do you make the most of your time? You only have a limited amount in which to develop and grow your therapy practice. Your time is ...

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