You can find videos of some interviews with me and presentations here.
As I say in the video, I came across coaching and NLP when studying for my MBA with the Open University Business School. At the time we were living just outside of Inverness, in the Highlands of Scotland and I was working as the fundraiser for Highland Hospice. Distance learning was the only option.
For those of you who aren't aware of the UK's Open University, it provides many different degrees and programmes. It has always used distance learning. Though that has changed over the years.
Having achieved my MBA, then changing jobs, and moving to California (near Falkirk!) I still had this thing called coaching rolling around in the background. I eventually decided to change direction and leave fundraising behind. I trained as a coach and then in various psychological therapies. A memorable event was attending one of Tony Robbins weekends in London - including the fire walk. I think I still have the certificate somewhere :).
I've always been curious about things and sometimes have to curb that urge to sign up for lots of different trainings and workshops. Being self-employed as a therapists can be a good excuse to do that.
I recognise that coaching isn't for everyone, some people are quite happy working on their own and are able to motivate themselves. Others benefit from having that one to one or group support. That accountability and community provides a supportive and safe place to grow and learn.
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