Do you sometimes wonder what you should say to prospective clients about your work or how you help people?
One way to think about this is to consider the journey your client goes on to find you.
Get my free Infographic about your client's journey, including the 'touchpoints' and things to consider.
Your therapy practice is a reflection of you and your values.
I know how difficult it can be to grow your own business. I’ve been there. When I first started my adventure I was working full-time for a charity and saw clients at a weekend. I was lucky I was able to go part-time as an employee and saw clients on my remaining days. I then went full-time self-employed. Balancing different demands and pulls on me was, at times, difficult.
And then there are those nagging thoughts. You know, that little voice that’s trying to be helpful but comes up with all that 'crap' which you really don’t need to hear!
Like many, I underestimated the time it would take to get to the point where I was earning enough to have a comfortable life and have no money worries. The good news is it is possible to earn a good living working for yourself as a therapist.
It’s sad to think that the majority of people who train as therapists don’t make it in business. Of those that do, many struggle to earn enough and eventually give up.
I’m a supervisor for two of the therapies that I provide. One of the issues that comes up again and again is the business of therapy:
In response to these conversations, and others, I’m now providing coaching to purpose-driven therapists and counsellors who, just like you, who want to develop their own thriving,
therapy practice.
Ann C
Counsellor and Well-being Trainer
"A thoroughly intensive and well thought out course that takes you on a journey from start to finish in developing your therapy business. It covers everything that you could possibly think of and things that you would not have thought of too. I would highly recommend this course to any new therapist wanting to step out into the world of private practice"
- Hayley McAuley, Curious Counselling
Why the Sunflowers?
When I worked at Highland Hospice, Help the Hospices started a national fundraiser for the UK's hospices - they chose the sunflower as the symbol. Why? Sunflowers always follow the light.