Promoting Your Therapy Practice

Promoting Your Therapy Practice | Take a Peek in Module 4 Promoting Your Business of Designing the Dream Course | Business Coaching for Therapists

Promoting Your Therapy Practice

The module on Promoting Your Therapy Practice will help you become clearer about how you market your business and get more clients.

Take a Peek in Module 4 Promoting Your Business of Designing the Dream Course

I know there are many courses aimed at helping business people promote their company. This online business course is designed specifically for therapists who want to grow and develop their therapy practice in a way that’s right for them.

Marketing your Therapy Practice

Promoting Your Therapy Practice

When it comes to marketing, we therapists have to be very aware of what we are saying we can or can’t achieve with our therapeutic interventions. We may also feel reluctant to ask for testimonials even though clients may be happy to provide them.

This is not to say we shouldn’t promote our services. It's more about how we go about it. In Designing the Dream we spend a whole module exploring how you could promote and market your therapy practice.

Finding Your Words - Speaking your client's language

The module starts off helping you find the right words and phrases so that you really speak to your ideal client (You’ve already identified them in Module 3).

This will help you connect with them and prove your expertise. You’ll also be connecting on a deeper level as you draw upon Your Why work from Module 2 which explored your values and purpose.

Referrals and Networking

We spend a bit of time discussing referrals and networking. Not everyone’s favourite activity and, hopefully, help make this aspect of your business easier for you to contemplate.

As you work through this module you’ll be reviewing your current marketing, if any, and what you might stop, start or change to help you reach your prospective clients. We also discuss how you would measure the success of your marketing efforts.

You can read more about networking and getting referrals in my blog post Why You Should Get Good At Seeking Referrals

Managing that Negative Self-Talk about Marketing

For those of you who dislike the thought of promoting yourself, there is the Marketing Mindset Section which helps you work through some of those limiting beliefs. That way you can feel more aligned in how you manage and promote your therapy practice.

There are worksheets and ideas to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your marketing and promotional activities.

Whatever methods you choose to market your therapy practice they have to sit right with you. If you don’t enjoy or feel comfortable about what you are doing or saying and the image you are portraying you won’t do it.

Online Business Course for Therapists Sign Up

If you have any questions just get in touch. Please connect with me on Facebook Instagram and LinkedIn

Categories: : Online Training, Private Practice